Friday, December 31, 2010

She's on the water!

We put the stickers on her this morning.  A fairy on either side of the bow, 

And another at the stern with her name.
 Here she is, ready to go

And she's finally on the water! 

 I'm really doing it, I'm really paddling my own boat!

Off I go into the sunset.......


  1. WooHoo! Green and going! Good paddling, Allie. Did Daddy write the name on the stern? Pretty good lettering!

  2. Oh My Goodness! I've been away from my computer for a few days and look at what I've missed! Congratulations! That is a fantastic job you've done! And well done mummy for the photos and video. I can't wait to hear more of the adventures of Allie and The Rainbow Sprite!
