Sunday, December 5, 2010

The fibreglassing continues...

Dad got a little bit distracted by another project, so it has been a couple of weeks since we started this step.  But we finally made it back to the shed.  So here it is, fibreglassing step two.
First we had to cut some fibreglass tape, just the right length  to fit the joins.

Its' going to get messy so dad modified some gloves for me again and away we went.

We laid the strips of fibreglass tape over the joins and then used epoxy resin to glue the strips down

 Dad did a little demo for me - first painting it on, then tapping to fill the tape with glue.

 And I took it from there...
Here's the section we finished this way 
We also glued the bow and fibreglassed it.  We had to clamp it get a better join.  Once it drys it should be watertight.

 Next we'll turn her over and fibreglass all the external joins.


  1. I had wondered where you'd got to with the project....great to see progress again!

  2. I think you haven't been working on your boat because you didn't wont it to get wet just yet.
