Friday, December 17, 2010

Finally somewhere to sit!

Today we epoxy coated inside the buoyancy chamber at the  back of the boat,  and the underside of the plywood cover

then we glued on the cover, which is actually the seat.

Then we epoxy coated the front buoyancy tank,

 and glued on it's cover.

We needed to weight the two covers down to make sure they stuck properly. Dad asked me to find something heavy in the shed to put on top.  I suggested my bike, but as dad felt that was a bit too big, this is what we came up with???  Hope dad doesn't need to screw anything in the next few hours!

Next time we need to coat the rest of the inside to make it nice and smooth and ready for painting.


  1. Keep up the good work, Allie. Now that there is something to sit on, I'll have to come and try out the seat. We all know how good I am at sitting down!

  2. Well done Allie, it's looking great! I hope you're going to take us sailing in it when we come and visit for your mummy's birthday!
