Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A little more filler

 Today we gloved up to do a little more fibreglassing

And then with a mask in place, we mixed the epoxy with some sanding powder

 And used it to fill and smooth the bottom of the boat a little more.

Here she is.  Just one more sand and we'll be  ready to paint!  The paint arrived this week.  I've stuck to the green plan, but I've had an even better idea than a rainbow sticker..........I found some rainbow fairy stickers, how cool is that!  Mum tells me that water fairies are called sprites so maybe I'll call her the rainbow sprite.


  1. Wow! I can't believe how fast this project has gone! Nearly painting time, can't wait to see what colour green she'll be. I like the name you've chosen!

  2. Think this boat is looking realy good. Daddy will have fun helping put the fairy transfers on it. Won't be long now and it will be painted.
